
Uppsala Young Champions 2017

The Uppsala Young Champions 2017 is held from 27th of October till 1st of November in Upsala, Sweden. This is the fourth edition of the international youth contest.
In the championship participate Martin Jogstad, Eslöv, Joakim Nilsson, Erland Jäppinen, Vitus Buchert, Edvin Bannout and Akash Mitra. The young Russian star Dinara Dordzhieva, Anna Kubicka from Poland and the 16-year-old Greek Evgenios Ioannidis and Eivind Olav Risting from  Norway.

Time control: 90 minutes + 30 sec/move. No play offs. Normal FIDE-Schweizer pairing. No draw offers before 30 moves are played.

Tie break rules:
1. Bucholtz. The sum of the scores of each of the opponents of a player. Reduced by the lowest score.
2. Direct encounter
3. Most wins
4. Most blacks
5. Drawing of lots

Official site

Round 1: 27/10 16-20
Round 2: 28/10 9-13
Round 3: 28/10 15-19
Round 4: 29/10 15-19
Round 5: 30/10 9-13
Round 6: 30/10 15-19
Round 7: 31/10 15-19
Round 8: 1/11 9-13
Round 9: 1/11 15-19

Watch the games of the Uppsala Young Champions 2017 with computer analysis LIVE on ChessBomb.