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Brief interview with Jon Ludvig Hammer (2677)

Hammer-Carlsen at NorwayChess 2013. Photo by Sigfred Haubro.
– I feel I'm getting better year by year.
Your win against Magnus Carlsen in Norway Chess made headlines in the world of chess. How were your feelings immediately after the game? And now some weeks afterwards. What does the victory against Carlsen mean to you?
– It's always fun to beat the world champion, and it was especially exciting to get to do it at home ground.
Rilton is a long and grueling tournament. Do you get some assistance between rounds? By Carlsen maybe?
– I get along fine on my own, but the training sessions with Team Carlsen before the two World Cup matches have helped me of course.
Finally, what do you think it is that makes you so successful in Rilton Cup?
– There is no guarantee of success, but of course it helps to feel comfortable in a particular place with good memories from previous years.
Contact: Stockholms schackförbund, Tel: 08-669 36 54, 0736-13 19 73. E-post:
Ingemar Falk, ordförande Riltonkommittén. Tel: 073-644 63 05. E-post:
Participants in Rilton Cup 2015/16
No. | Name | FideID | FED | Rtg | |
1 | GM | Hammer Jon Ludvig | 1503707 | NOR | 2677 |
2 | GM | Tiviakov Sergei | 1008013 | NED | 2639 |
3 | GM | Socko Bartosz | 1107038 | POL | 2624 |
4 | GM | Donchenko Alexander | 24603295 | GER | 2567 |
5 | GM | Tikkanen Hans | 1706446 | SWE | 2529 |
6 | GM | Cramling Pia | 1700030 | SWE | 2512 |
7 | GM | Socko Monika | 1106619 | POL | 2472 |
8 | GM | Åkesson Ralf | 1700120 | SWE | 2428 |
9 | GM | Bellon Juan | 2200031 | ESP | 2364 |
10 | FM | Percivaldi Martin | 1508148 | DEN | 2310 |
11 | FM | Arman Deniz | 6302106 | TUR | 2306 |
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