
Testing the new version of ChessBomb

We invite all users of ChessBomb to test the new version and share any comments and suggestions. We have dedicated considerable time for improving the features of the website, and we are thankful to all users who already posted comments and emailed us with ideas.

Test version of new ChessBomb

New features

  • Robust and extensible new code base, which will allow us to quickly add new features (initial goal is feature parity and compatibility with the old version). Many little (and some not so little) glitches which were present in the old version have now been dealt with.
  • Crowd-moderated chat system. Users have the ability to vote chat posts up or down. Posts which are downvoted will be hidden automatically. Users with bad reputation (many downvotes, few upvotes) will be banned automatically. Users with good reputation will receive a distinctive colour in the chat. Measures will be taken to prevent gaming the system. Same rules apply in the chat of the new version!
  • Switchable themes.
  • Easy linking to specific games/rooms (each tab has its own URL now).
  • NEW! Robust new clocks, showing time as accurately as possible. Clocks now work as soon as a game is opened (previously they were frozen until a move was made).
More new features coming soon...

Please share comments here or in the chats of the new version.
Many thanks!

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