The Closed GM České Budějovice is a 10-player round-robin tournament.
Time control: 90 minutes for 40 moves, then 30 minutes till the game end, plus a 30-second increment from move one.
Round 1 2020/07/01 14:00
Round 2 2020/07/02 14:00
Round 3 2020/07/03 14:00
Round 4 2020/07/04 14:00
Round 5 2020/07/05 14:00
Round 6 2020/07/06 14:00
Round 7 2020/07/07 14:00
Round 8 2020/07/08 14:00
Round 9 2020/07/09 14:00
Watch the games of the Ceske Budejovice Open 2020 with computer analysis on ChessBomb.