
1st Chessbomb invitational GM and IM norm Luxury tournament

The Chess Club "ChessBomb Plovdiv" has the pleasure to invite everyone to sign up for the 1st Chessbomb Invitational GM and IM norms round robin tournaments will take place 09-17 November 2015, at Park Hotel Sankt Peterburg Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Round Robin tournament: 10 players, 9 rounds in each section.


9.11. 12.00 Opening ceremony 1st round 16.30
10.11. 2nd round 16:30
11.11. 3rd round 16:30
12.11. 4th round 16:30
13.11. 5th round 16:30
14.11. 6th round 16:30
15.11. 7th round 16:30
16.11. 8th round 16:30
17.11. 9th round 11:00 Closing ceremony at 16.30

Time control

Round Robin tournament 10 players, 9 rounds.

The rate of play will be 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game with an increment of 30 seconds per move, starting from the first move. 


GM tournament: 1st - €500, 2nd - €300, 3rd - €200

IM tournament: 1st - €400, 2nd - €250, 3rd - €150


Deadline for registration: 5 October 2015

Registration fees

Everyone interested in taking part in either the GM or IM events and to compete for a chance to make a norm, can register in the tournament. Our registration fees are as follows: GM tournament:
  <2400 ELO: players with a Fide Rating < 2400 would have to pay a 600 euro fee which includes their participation & accommodation with breakfast for 8 nights in a single room in a 4* Hotel
  >2400 ELO: players with a Fide Rating > 2400 would have to pay a 500 euro fee, which covers their participation & accommodation with breakfast for 8 nights in a single room in a 4* Hotel

IM tournament:
For the IM tournament the starting fee is 500 euro and it covers their participation and accommodation with breakfast for 8 nights in a single room in a 4* Hotel.
Accommodation:  http://www.sphotel.net/

Arbiters: IA Ruzhka Genova

Contacts: plovdiv@chessbomb.com

Hotel info: http://www.sphotel.net/