
“One Move at a Time”

New podcast focuses on the US Chess non-profit educational mission
CROSSVILLE, TN: The US Chess Federation is pleased to announce the premiere of its second podcast, “One Move at a Time,” on October 12, 2018 to help kick of the October 13 National Chess Day activities around the nation. This monthly show will explore people and organizations that are advancing the US Chess educational mission of “Empowering people through chess, one move at a time.” Hosted by Dan Lucas, the US Chess Senior Director of Strategic Communication, the goal is to give listeners ideas and methods that can be used within their own community to expand the reach of chess.
In the initial episode, the Honorable Mayor Michael J. Ryan of Sunrise, Florida explains how he made chess a key city initiative, including (among many other ideas and programs) adding the game to the school curriculum and having bicycle patrol police officers hand out travel chess sets; go to https://new.uschess.org/news/one-move-time-debuts-michael-j-ryan-mayor-sunrise-podcast/ to listen to this show and see a summary of the city’s chess initiatives. In recognition of the positive chess activity in Sunrise, the Florida city was named “Chess City of the Year” by US Chess in 2015. You can see everything happening with chess in Sunrise here: https://sunrisechesscenter.org/index.php/about-us/history. Mayor Ryan can be reached at MRyan@sunrisefl.gov.
This is the second podcast program offered by US Chess. “Cover Stories with Chess Life,” which goes behind the scenes and in depth with each issue’s cover story author, premiered in April 2018. Additional podcasts are currently being developed by the non-profit, 501(c)3 organization. For an archive of all shows to date go to: https://new.uschess.org/category/podcast/ .  Further tying in the chess world to our podcasts, the theme music for One Move at a Time, titled “So Don’t I,” was composed by National Master Alex King of Memphis, Tennessee. Alex will be featured in the November Chess Life’s “My Best Move” column.
USCFSales.com is sponsoring both podcasts. For a chance to win a $50 gift certificate, send an email to podcast@uschess.org and for One Move at a Time, put the show title in the subject header and your name and phone number in the body of the email to be entered into a random drawing for a winner. For Cover Stories with Chess Life, put the show title in the subject header and provide a question for our “Best Question” contest. The November guest will be Al Lawrence who wrote about the U.S. Open; your question can be specifically for him or a general one about Chess Life or US Chess.
Going forward, One Move at a Time will drop on the second Tuesday of each month, with Cover Stories with Chess Life dropping on the first Tuesday.

Photo: The Honorable Mayor Michael J. Ryan of Sunrise, Florida